3 6

In 2018:
31 student deaths
28 service member deaths

No, your gun rights do not trump the rights of those children to live.

Kbdank71 7 May 20

Enjoy being online again!

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If you counted mass shootings as shootings that result in 3 or more deaths, on average the U.S. has a mass shooting about once every three days. It really hurts tourism.


I’m sick of seeing people, particularly kids, killed by gun violence. Bush jr allowed the provision banning semi-automatics to expire it is past time to bring it back. We also need to enact (or enforce) other gun safety regulations and ban corporations, especially the NRA from making political donations.

After Parkland there was a news segment about making schools safer by using automatic locks, cameras, and tear gas or smoke. You could see what the reporter was doing and where they were the entire time. When they failed to do as told the smoke or tear gas started. Unfortunately the system is expensive, about $400,000.

CS60 Level 7 May 20, 2018

Think metal detectors are the answer for schools and public buildings. Still need background checks and gun reform laws.

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