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Anyone else having an absolute blast on this site? much comedy! Deep thinking, smart people. Where was this 10 years ago... A bunch of heathens getting together and what do they do...
They have a blast.

HoaryMarmot 7 May 20

Enjoy being online again!

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It is a very refreshing to be on a site with so much rational, humour and intelligent conversation.


Just stop it right now or I shall be forced to report this to the pastor.


Fun site! Thank you.


I like it!


I felt comfortable with this community right from the get go. It's a fun place to hang out and socialize with random people from all over the world. How cool is that?


Love Highly intelligent, funny people!

The exception is juvenile, crude posts by guys fishing for personal sexual information. They are fun to stymie with smart-aleck answers:

"Do vegans swallow?" a guy posted. Ignoring the sexual implication, I replied:

"Swallow what? Another weird question.

"I hike with a woman who is a vegan. Of course she swallows what she eats."

Now I need to lean to push away from the computer and walk away. These discussions are quickly becoming addictive.

@HoaryMarmot, What is weird? A name for what? Please clarify your question.


Couldn't have said it better myself


You meet all kinds here. I love it.


I guess, you could say...we weren’t ready! When the student is ready the teacher appears!’

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