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As a former exchange student I'm saddened to hear that an exchange student from my organization was in fact one of the children killed this week in the Texas school shooting. She was supposed to return home to her family in a month after what was supposed to be a year of wonderful cultural experiences.

Catnublia 6 May 20

Enjoy being online again!

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Sad, attending school is now risky.

Coldo Level 8 May 20, 2018

texas is cultural? i'm shocked

I certainly wouldn't have chosen it as a location, but students don't always get to chose where they end up. Further students often chose countries like Canada, the UK or the United States to learn English more than have a cultural exchange.
She had one month left till she went home, and now she will never go home.


Sorry to hear that. I wish I could say no other kids are going to die, but that would be a lie. Nothing is ever important to Politicians until and unless it impacts their own families.


In Texas it is more like culture shock, I know because I have lived it for 35 years.


I am sorry that your fellow exchange student and her family had to find out that the American political culture lacks the courage and morality to control gun violence by limiting access to guns.

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