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I'm watching a debate on political correctness that I believe aired earlier this week. One of the participants, Stephen Fry (who I am a fan of, btw) just trotted out one of the more tired tropes about slavery that I've ever come across.
At about the 49 minute mark, he mentioned that Brits were enslaved by the Roman Empire and that Jews were enslaved by Egyptians. Now both of these statements are true, actual facts -no one is disputing that. But there is a damaging logical fallacy at play when attempting to compare those instances with American chattel slavery.
The British no longer (and haven't for many, MANY centuries) had to exist under the governance of the Roman Empire. The Jews do not have to exist under Egyptian governance (except for a small fraction of Jews who I'm sure do exist in Egypt, but an Egypt so many orders of magnitude removed from the Ancient Egypt that enslaved them as to be the same in name only). This is fundamentally and profoundly different than African-American's existence under the governance of an America that is without question, the same institution that not only benefited from said slavery, but whose dominance and for that matter, very existence today could not have been, but for the existence of Transatlantic Slavery.
Now to be clear, I know (or at least believe) Mr. Fry had no ill intentions with regards of the use of the comparison, but a weapon, even accidentally triggered, does damage irrespective of intent.

As a side note, very much enjoying this debate.

ghettophilosopher 7 May 20

Enjoy being online again!

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I need two hours to listen to this and I will but not today.


Yes, slavery has existed throughout human history, and it was an ugly thing. But yes, in the American South it reached historical levels of depravity. Slaves in Rome were just slaves, they came in all races, and weren't considered sub human or deserving of slavery because of their skin color.


Yep the triangluar trade included full dehumanistion .. pseudo sceince (made up shit by racist scientists) and a whole political economic machine whose soul purpose was to devalue the African and culture.. Nobody realises what African Slavery was. If someone stole your goat court would decide goat theif wold be your man servent for a week say.. He wold garden or clean for you as punishment.. Nothng like shipping milliions thousands of miles while majority die on journey then brading selling - leg irons - neck chains - various torture devices.. not the same.. not surprised sadly. He is pretty aristocratic in some ways as much as i love him otherwise. Pretty sure he would be appalled if he knew what he had done too. Sadly the college i learned about this was acutally shut down for being too subsversive in the 1970's .. I think now it is common curriculum on cultural studies .. very few lecturers in the UK specialise in it though.. No one has heard of Basil Davidson.. It's not encouraged if you know what i mean in uk.. You have to dig hard ..

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