Thank you,!
I'm one of the worst cynics around about online dating (or any other kind, for that matter) so had to mull over whether or not to even sign up for dating availability on this site. Several IPAs into my decision making, I decided WTF, might as well. It took a spell, but in the end, I'm so glad I made that decision and stuck with it. After 8 long, dark years grieving my wife's death, I have met a lovely soulmate (@EllenDale) right here on this site. Thank you,!
Wonderful news ! Thanks for sharing your story and all the best to you two !
@DharmaBum50 and @EllenDale you give us hope !! Congrats wishing you both happy times forever !!
So now we members know that romance CAN be found here! Congratulations!
I'm soooo happy for you Kevin & Ellen!!!! (((( hugs ))))
Thanks, hon!
@DharmaBum50 Always my friend. Give her a BIG squish for me ok? And if ya'll are ever in my backyard youse two gotta says Hi
Thanks for sharing this and congratulations!
Thanks for sharing!
I'm not sure this kind of thing happens often, so we felt we had to put it out there.