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The video is breathtaking.
The comments are INSANE.

AmiSue 8 May 21

Enjoy being online again!

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I deleted FB after Cambridge Analytica, and I really don't want to follow any links there. Otherwise I'd like to see your post though.


great find . thx.


I agree the comments are beyond insane.
People see beautiful natural events and they somehow feel compelled to assign a magical entity to their existence.

To me, it makes it easy to see what the early Earth was like and how it formed.


The Goddess Pele' is very angry. She needs a sacrifice. Hawaii lava is very different from what erupts in the Cascades. It's scary and lovely at the same time.

@AmiSue but aren't we virgins at heart? LOL


Nice! I'd be too scared to get that close.

@AmiSue I didn't think of that. I want my own drone!!


i almost shared this but deferred due to the comments


so awesome, I keep trying to tell if the person with the camera is in the water

@AmiSue IF you look there is a point there is someone with a telephoto lens and almost looks like they are in the water

@AmiSue I kept wanting to think I was wrong. I wonder how hot the water gets and how far away


Cant pull it up now but it looks insane.


Wow! Is that the lava flow into the Pacific Ocean from the Kilauea volcano Hawaii in May 2018?

"The HVO also reported sulfur dioxide emissions have tripled."

CNN: []

@AmiSue What """fascinates""" me is that we the people...guided by our to comprehend that MN, in a second, can teach us how stupid we are. SSC

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