Funny story. When I was five years old, my mother took me to Sunday School because my grandmother was visiting (who was Baptist) and we had to make a good impression. I had never been to Sunday School and when the teacher said "Now boys and girls, we will stand and sing our favorite song." I just assumed that their favorite song which was "Jesus Loves Me" was my favorite song, which I can't remember the name, but I stood up with them and sang, "Me Oh My, Crawfish Pie, Filet Gumbo" and the whole class started laughing. I cried so hard, they summoned my mother from the church pew to come and get me. No wonder I have such a bad experience with church...LOL!
I like your song !!!
Do you still sing it ??
Certainly not since such a bad experience, but I don't even remember where I got it from. I also don't know the name of the song nor the words to it. I guess since it was so long ago, I just remembered certain things.
Oh the youth we miss so much! You are not crying anymore and your favorite song was better.
In First Grade in my Parochial school in Florida Sister Kevin Marie was instructing us on memorizing the Ten Commandments. Over and over we recited them. Several times I raised my hand and asked what "adultery" was, that I was apparently promising never to commit. Sister KM got more and more flustered every time I reasoned that I cannot possibly be sincere in my promise not to ever commit adultery if I have no idea what it even is... and I CERTAINLY had NO IDEA at age 7 in 1957! Eventually I was sent to the office where the principal called my dad and had him come take me home for the day for being disruptive. I eventually learned of the big secret, but the lesson must have sunk in... never done it in my life.
... Kevin Marie? That is a very confusing name.
@memorylikeasieve Yep... that's what it was... Sister Kevin Marie! There was nothing at all that made sense in parochial school! I suffered through 5-years of it, never once even suspecting that there was a shred of truth to a "supreme being" who actually demanded that the little humans spend their lives on their knees praying and adoring "him". I was a hard-core non-believer. Nothing made sense.
Great story! (Very bad experience) The first time I sent my children to Sunday School (I was Catholic; their father was Jewish), they came home saying, "Did you know that everyone who isn't Luthran is going to hell?" I was expecting them to teach some mild "good shepherd" stuff. Boy, was I shocked.
Blimey. I was raised Lutheran and I don't remember ever hearing anything like that. Unless the one you went to was Missouri Synod Lutheran?