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Many times over the years I have been asked for proof that their is no god! These same people that want the proof are the ones that say their bible is the word of god! When I ask how it can be when it was written many years after the fact and rewritten over the years by who ever was in power at the time I get told that it was inspired by holy spirit. When I ask how they got the animals from Australia and South America for their sea cruise,lol, I get no answer. I can't believe how any thinking person can believe all the fairy tales in their holy book

Johnnyvee 5 May 22

Enjoy being online again!

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It's called brainwashing.


I think at this point so many believers don’t want to admit they’ve wasted their time and lives believing in a fairy tale. The Bible is history at best. Written by 100+ men over 1000+ years. Subjective. I kind of feel sort for those who need the fear of hell and damnation to live a moral life. WTH? And what sense does it make that a god sent his earthly son to be mutilated on earth so that everyone can commit ungodly sins all their lives only to pray it away before they die for an entrance to heaven???? I digress.

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