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We all know that growing up is tough. If we are lucky, our first years are spent in a Sesame Street, love filled fog, that teaches us kindness, respect, and love, all while sheltering us from the darker, more dangerous aspects of life. But eventually, everyone leaves that dale, and walks out into a world where not everyone is kind, and yes - some are our to get you, in one way or another. Add to the social difficulties, the changing bodies and minds, one can honestly say that those years are some of the most difficult - as we transition from children to adults. And dealing with someone's hate, when you can't identify any reason behind it, is not only confusing and hurtful, but dangerous as well.

Now, bullies have been around since the beginning of humanity. There is always a person who is faster, stronger, more beautiful, and willing to use that privilege to only make themselves feel even stronger by the belittling or harming of others. And in much of our history, people have dealt with being bullied by either simply enduring, fighting back, or (in the saddest cases) self harm/suicide.

But we are seeing something more happen now. Instead of 'fighting back' by finally breaking and punching the crap out of their tormentor, these broken children are literally taking up arms, mowing down not only their bully, but any others unfortunate enough to have looked at them wrong, or just to be in their way. Most of these end in suicide; so instead of just taking their own lives, like the bullied have done in the past, they are now bringing others with them.

Now, I totally understand being bullied. I have been, off an on, the target of bullies in one form or another, at different times in my life. Looking back on things, I see also, to my great sorrow, that there were occasions where I was the bully - and didn't even realize it. And I have spent most of my adulthood not only ashamed of those few moments, but trying to understand what happened, so it wouldn't happen again.

But, no matter the hurt or despair one feels over being bullied, it is no excuse for murder. And, it must be said, that just because someone doesn't give into your wishes, or rejects you for a relationship, that does NOT make them a bully. It is not abusive to tell another person no. That is just part of life, and - though this sounds harsh - we'd better be able to get over ourselves enough to move on, and keep living.

Yes, there is something broken in our society. Some say it's guns, others say it's a lack of divinity. Personally, I know that in America, we aren't civil enough to even have discussions about firearms - it is a non-starter. Also, you want God in people's lives? Well, you can't (and shouldn't) legislate that. You want to bring people closer to the lord, try reaching out in kindness instead of being judgemental and pious. Nothing will turn a person away from a religion faster than the perceived arrogance of its followers.

So, what's left? How about we start by trying to at least bring civility back - even if its just on the surface. We need to put away this unfocused anger and pointless hatred that has wound its way into our society. No, you don't have to love, or even like one another. But you don't have to go after them and try to do harm just because they exist. Live and let live? Not perfect by any means, but it's a start.

Very complicated talks need to be had, and we, those who seek peace, have been too often bullied into silence when trying to have those talks. The time has come for you to hear us loud and clear - and unlike those who wave the flags of dead ideals, or demonize those who do, we don't need to kill anyone in order to be heard.

#lettherebepeace #moderation #cooperation

DerekD 7 May 22

Enjoy being online again!

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Thank you for that. I have noticed it with Americans that one cannot have a civil discussion about , politics or guns with them. They get angry and want to punch you if you do not have the same opinion as them. That to me is very strange because other parts of the world people don't seem to have that kind of problem when you talk to them about these issues.

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