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Friday the Fascist republican Freedom Caucasians were holding the Farm Bill hostage to force a vote on deporting Dreamers?


They killed the Farm Bill!*

These Fascists republican are so evil that they are doing everything and anything to get their Fascist Insane agenda to HALT any and all RIGHTS, PROTECTION, and BENEFITS for the People's of this country which WE have earn and Voted for!

“The House Freedom Caucus on Friday sank a partisan farm bill over an immigration dispute with GOP leadership, delaying a bill that included President Donald Trump’s push to impose stricter work requirements on food stamp recipients.

“The bill went down, 198-213, after leaders feverishly tried to flip conservative votes on the floor, even leaving the vote open for a time to try to change opponents’ minds.

It is a huge setback to the farm lobby and House Speaker Paul Ryan’s welfare reform agenda.”

Oh, yeah: Zombie Eyed Granny Starver Paul Ryan poisoned the bill when he included new/more provisions that recipients of SNAP aid had to work so many more hours to earn their help.

Does this sound familliar?

“While the farm bill is historically bipartisan legislation, Ryan has backed a Republican-only version this cycle as a way to notch a win on his welfare plan before he retires at the end of the year.
House GOP leadership also pitched the bill as a positive messaging tool for the midterms.

“There could not be a better time to take action to help more people join our workforce,” Ryan said at a press conference Thursday, where he lauded the bill as a critical part of the Republican agenda.”

That agenda would be the one where Prznint Stupid’s trade war with China crashes the agriculture market and therefore subsidies to farmers are needed more than ever, or the agenda where punishing poor people for sport gets to be more humiliating?

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of-the-mountain 9 May 22

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Remember the Democrats also opposed the bill and that is why it wasn't passed.


I don't follow US politics that closely but there seems to be a move afoot to push out the small players and give over food production to agribusiness. Nothing surprises me anymore. 😟

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