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I was wondering how many people became disenchanted with religion vs. not being formally introduced or compelled to follow any religion. Personally, it was an understanding of science vs biblical claims...

Hutch 7 May 23

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Disenchanted here


Science doesn't require belief. I have a real difficult time blindly accepting text supposedly written by many different people over a long period of time, translated over and over again, and interpreted every week from someone in a pulpit looking down over congregants. Take me to the laboratory and show me proof. Then I might either believe it or attempt to disprove it.


Maybe you should make a poll. I get the impression most online atheists are deconverts. But there are definitely people who are ignorant and/or indifferent to religion, or who at least never participated in one.

It makes sense that most atheists would be deconverts because most people's religion is whatever their parent's religion was, and since most people are theists, you'd expect most of their children to be theists, and most atheists would then be produced by "disenchantment" later on.

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