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I love criticizing the belief systems ,their is no God

DarkPrince84 4 May 23

Enjoy being online again!

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Yes there is. Your'e looking at him pal

Sorry but Tut was not a God, all Pharro's where considered The Son of Osiris, so only a demi-god. again just having fun, don't take it personal.

@Krypto-Knight Seriously? Just a demi-god? I HATE those words! Can I not have my 5 minutes of fame without rebuke? Shit the Kardashians aren't even royal and the world seems to worship them more than I! My godly self esteem is a little hurt but i won't take it personal LOL.

@Tutankhamun You had your five minutes of fame, it was right after marrying your sister and before being murdered by your Grandfather. If that doesn't rank you up there with the Kardashians nothing will. Plus there was that come back tour in the 70's, my parents took me to see the exibit when I was seven. Nothing personal but In my opinion your Grandmother Hatshepsut was the Greatest Pharro anyway. But you did get one cool ass gold mask, you got that going for you, I bet no Kardashian will top that. 😉

@Krypto-Knight Muahaha! You fucking rock dude. Demi god approved!


Isn't that too just a belief? Neither side of the debate can prove or disprove their stance, therefore both sides are based on personal belief. Sorry just thought I would join in on criticizing the belief system. Please understand and take it as the humor it was intended to be.

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