Hi all, Off to work. Teaching my home group (a big treat in itself) End of Life Care. This throws up so many dilemmas. I live in UK so the question of faith within professional life is completely moot. It is a disciplinary action to offer to pray for someone or say any of the usual end of life clap trap. My group is really diverse with a hindi gay guy, a few devote African anglicans, a muslim girl and a few odd ball brits. (Love em all) . I have a fav (probably not meant to), this 20yr old Nigerian guy. He is so hard working and so kind. I just know his family are very religious. On the one hand it's great he is exposed to British life and everything it can throw at him, on the other, I am just kinda hoping he doesn't lose his sweetness. What would you do?
Marry him.
I'm impressed. When my mother was dying she was accosted by people wanting to save her.
I am sorry to hear that