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Hi all, Off to work. Teaching my home group (a big treat in itself) End of Life Care. This throws up so many dilemmas. I live in UK so the question of faith within professional life is completely moot. It is a disciplinary action to offer to pray for someone or say any of the usual end of life clap trap. My group is really diverse with a hindi gay guy, a few devote African anglicans, a muslim girl and a few odd ball brits. (Love em all) . I have a fav (probably not meant to), this 20yr old Nigerian guy. He is so hard working and so kind. I just know his family are very religious. On the one hand it's great he is exposed to British life and everything it can throw at him, on the other, I am just kinda hoping he doesn't lose his sweetness. What would you do?

Amisja 8 May 24

Enjoy being online again!

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He's bound to lose some of it - we all do as we become older and encounter things that disillusion us. However, by befriending him and giving him that little bit of extra attention and encouragement he should retain his general nature.


I meant how would you teach EoL care...noy what should I do to protect my young chap


He'll probably retain his sweetness, core personality is usually quite stable, you sound like you're well within your professionals boundaries. Teach him as best you can, kind and hardworking are good attributes for end of life care.


Marry him.

He's 20!!

@Amisja Wait until he's 25, then. 😉


I'm impressed. When my mother was dying she was accosted by people wanting to save her.

I am sorry to hear that


I did palliative and hospice care for a long time. Very sad, but rewarding.

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