The United States has continually, and now increasingly taken on the personality of the older incestuous brother, thinking the world is the little sister who really needs to be raped...
Not me. I hate this country. Our people are so controlled and manipulated it is pathetic. We have over 800 military bases across the globe and have been systematically erasing other cultures from the planet. We place value on $$$, war, and power. We waste resources and destroy land for personal gain. Trump is a symptom of a much bigger problem. America has a huge superior complex and was founded on genocide. I do not love the US. I do not pledge allegiance to a flag or a country. ALL life is valuable and loving a COUNTRY that controls our eduction, our food, our language, our resources??? Nope I hate Trump because he is an example of how far gone our country is.
@PeppermintDreads Sad truth.
i want to retire to somewhere tropical....and where 'herb' is legal!!
Is her left eye about to pop out?