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The rise of the religious right is a threat to American secular democracy and the rise of an ignorance based theocracy.

dogshadow 4 May 25

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I view it as a "hiccup." One report after the other show the US will continue to value religion less.


The rise has been slow in coming, but it has been around for a very long time. The somnambulant public did nothing. Congress has been a great help the past 40 years or so. And so the pendulum swings to the right. Hopefully it will swing back before it is too late -- of course, the far left is as bad.

The left is worse. Their religion is the government. At least with the right we have a difference between religion and government.

@repubatheists You are really dreaming. You have supported school vouchers for religious schools, permitting churches to preach politics in church while not taxing them, you have permitted teaching of religion in public schools, you have not supported a separation of church and state and to say you know the dufference between religion and government is a laugh if it wasn't so far against the Constitution that you say you are protecting.

@Marine I am at a point where I don't see much difference between the indoctrination the religious community and far-left community put forth, other than the far-left community has a grip on public education and therefore has much greater influence.

Increasing numbers of public schools have been teaching students about gender fluidity and do not allow students to opt-out. They tell students starting at 6 years old that all that matters in life is attending university, and promote curriculum that convinces students to pursue gender studies, women's studies, race studies, etc. It wasn't surprising that groups like Black Lives Matter were popular with college students. I recall once I transferred to a university in Los Angeles I immediately learned upon arrival that I had to take one of these three course: African American studies, Asian American studies, Chicano studies. There was no getting around it.

Additionally humanist and atheist organizations are comparable to churches considering they are non-profit and promote a political agenda. While supporting Democrat and progressive atheists, they have systematically rejected Republican and conservative atheists.

@repubatheists Funny like the last several republicans I have had discussions with you did noy choose to address the points I asked you about!

@Marine You didn't ask me anything. You assumed what I support.

@repubatheists I don't agree that the left is worse. I see no evidence that the left is trying to make the US into a theocracy. Liberals in general seem supportive of separation of church and state as the founders wanted.

@dogshadow Liberals tend to not simply want the separation of church and state, they want death to religion, specifically Christianity. They want to put in place anything that goes against traditionalism, such as forcing students to sit through programs on gender fluidity. They are putting forth a new religion.

@repubatheists I support social democracy where the government works through a capitalist system that works for people and not just for the benefit of a wealthy corporate elite. I do not believe that is worship of government. It works quite well in Northern European countries, where people don't go bankrupt from medical bills.


Yes and it isn't being challenged in the courts like it should be school vouchers, teaching religion in public schools, prayers before the cabinet meets all against the Constitution.

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