Okay. Now that I've made my informal survey of actually very few people, from a self-selected group of relatively few people, I've determined that most of you have a song playing in your head most of the time. (Sounds very scientific, doesn't it?) The next question is, how common do you think this was before mass communication? (TV, radio, internet, etc.) When the only way you would hear music was from yourself or someone else playing it live?
Many more people could read music 100 years ago, and sheet music sales were high. They would hum a tune directly from the page, and if they liked it play it, usually on a piano.
The wandering musician filled the place of the record player, and so people still hummed tunes that were popular.
In my own case, the tunes that fill my head are mainly the great themes written by Beethoven, Brahms et al. In times of stress, I put on a pair of headphones and sit up all night listening non-stop to great symphonies. The music drives the stress out of my mind and I eventually fall asleep in the chair, de-stressed.