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🎵Another Saturday night and I ain't got nobody...🎵

Booklover 7 May 26

Enjoy being online again!

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Same here. Although this time it's probably for the best in my case, as nobody wants this lung crud I've got.


Yep, it's a happy stress-free Saturday night alone for me. There is a cool blues band playing up the street from me, but I'm not too interested in going up there alone, to stare at my beer awkwardly and watch the other old gals dance without partners, so I'll probably skip it and save the money. I do like live blues though.


Well, you've got us singing along with you...

My primary is up north this weekend and his buddy wanted it to be just guys. So I am home with the kids and we had pizza and a bonfire.

I'd suggest this: what would you want to be doing if you were with someone else? Want to see a movie, go dancing, hit karaoke or a trivia night? Go do those things and you will meet others who like doing that.

I would probably be watching tv just like I am now. Lol. I would go out except for the crippling anxiety.


You've got us! Have you considered volunteering somewhere on Saturday nights? Hospitals, retirement or nursing homes?

See answer above. Lol


Find something you love to do , do it , and you'll meet someone else who likes doing the same thing you love doing .

That always sounds good in theory - and sure beats sitting home doing nothing - but it's hard to go out at night alone sometimes.

Also see answer above. ?

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