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As a single, wiser, more authentic woman serenely comfortable in my own skin I'm secure and 'woke' enough to recognize an evolutionary moment of clean sheet day motivated by chocolate ice cream oopses and not evidence of my once differently satisfying sex life.

Life is good

Awiserme 4 May 27

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm glad life is good ?


...As a single, not-wiser, always authentic man not-serenely comfortable in my skin, I do not feel secure, but my day is also at least partially motivated by some Magnum caramel ice cream (around 2 billions calories). I don't want to mention the three letter word!
Have a great day, and take cover from TT Alberto.

Didn't you mean carnal ice cream?

Don't do caramel.. Gets stuck in my teeth ??????




What ?? Dirty sheet day motivate by chocolate Ice cream poopses ?

Ya made me scroll back up for typos.. ?

So I accomplished something ? . YIPEEEE

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