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Good morning all, and welcome to another day in paradise. But is it a great morning for all humans? Are these the ugly truths about racism in America? Is there ANYTHING great about it? Is it over? Not from where I'm watching. And every country on our planet has similar ugly truths; so when will the self-styled "God fearing," and privileged humans create a better future for all women and men? And what will it take, world-wide revolution or peaceful social evolution? #racism #bigotry #Trump #NFL #Football

josephr 7 May 27

Enjoy being online again!

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Discourse (if you can call it that) about these issues is becoming incredibly fact-free, to the point that if I did not disassociate from it I would be incensed and floored all the time, and ultimately traumatized. I have to believe that I am not the only relatively reasonable person who feels this way. This tells me that part of the strategy of constant attack on civil and democratic norms and traditions and ethos is intended to exhaust people of good will into inaction.

And frankly it's working. I'm too old for this shit. I gave about 150% of the actual time and energy I possess to the Sanders campaign in 2016 and everything since America looked that gift horse in the mouth has been a worst-case scenario and has pretty much done every charitable / hopeful assumption I ever made about our body politic and my fellow man.


We've got a long way to go for sure - if we even can ! <sigh>


We on this site will try !

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