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Iโ€™m witnessing the most phenomenal thunder storm Iโ€™ve ever seen in my 50 years on the planet. I feel so energised. Lightning flashes every few seconds... itโ€™s breathtaking!
No hands coming down from the clouds though ?

Just 4 May 27

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm at the other end of the country to you and last night's storm was a snorter ๐Ÿ™‚


It's one of the few things I liked about driving through S. Dakota, Wyoming, and Montana over a couple days during the summer--there were some gorgeous storms.

Then we hit a deer and ended up marooned in Wyoming for a week and that ended my love affair with the scenery really quick. But I still love the storms I saw. We don't get them much in the PNW.

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