First it was God with devil having a meeting over Job Secondly is Jesus with devil having meeting over the kingdom of the world. ?
Question: why did God or Jesus never killed the devil but preferred to kill his creation because of the Sin God himself created through the devil? Indeed Abrahamic religions are for kids.
Since god, the devil and jesus didn't exist, why are you even thinking of these impossible scenarios that never happened?
Abrahamic religions are idiotic. All this crap over a rule that god could have changed himself. He hated that he mad man and then drowned everybody except 8 people. He could have just made new people. Later he gets a young girl pregnant so he can come to earth as his son, then he arranged for the kid to be killed so that if you believe in him you can live forever and kiss his royal ass for eternity.
No thanks. Not interested. I'll just keep things the way they are. Forever worshiping something is just too frigging long.
I have always a big liking of this quote from Richard Dawkins in his book The God Delusion: "The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully."
What is a gawd ? Geebush, devileggs I just do not get it why people analyze fiction for any reason. ....Thomas Paine wrote no person is obliged to reason about the gibberish of dreams
If you kill the antagonist, you can’t continue with the threats.
In both cases the conversations are taking place in the minds of both Job and Jesus. In Geneses, Satan (or what Satan represents) is confined to the earth (material, physical plane).
Job is dealing with physical maladies and Jesus is dealing with material temptation. Notice that in the much later Jesus story, the man Jesus recognizes that the conflict is between his better self and Satan rather than a separate higher power and Satan. This is basically a 2000 year old mystic Interpretation. I believe this is basically the original Hebrew meaning of these stories. Today we would describe these conflicts as taking place between our lower and higher consciousness or our ego and super ego etc. "When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man I put away childish things." 1 Cor. 13:11. It's long past time humanity put away childish interpretations of ancient Hebrew "Scripture". These literal interpretations were never authentic in the first place. In my opinion.
It always struck me as odd that Xianty desperately needed a way to explain all the terrible things that can befall humanity without blaming God for it. Inventing a Satan / opposer / evil one to take the blame was a pretty lame tactic, because the need to explain why God allows terrible things to happen still exists.
The biblical Satan wasn't anything like the later medieval European construct, he was - as his name says - simply an or the "opponent" (as in Sadam Hussein's "Great Satan" ). He wasn't the walking embodiment of horned, cloven-hoofed evil (both attributes lifted from Pan or Faunus, the god of the wild, with a nod to the Celtic god of the hunt, the antlered Cernunnos, by way of literally demonizing the pre-Christian pagans who might still adhere to the ancient ways), instead something more akin to an opposing counsel in a court of law.
Oh, they tell you it's because God wants to give you "free will" to make the choice between good and evil. Of course, since god is omniscient, he'll know in advance what you're going to choose, so it's not really "free will," is it?
They are all fictional characters with a group of authors who made the whole thing up and then had it re-written by the churches for their own designs. No wonder nothing good came of it .. it was basically a book by committee.
Don't forget all the plagiarism. There was LOTS of that.
@KKGator and the accidents of translation lol