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My intention is to meet someone on this site and finish this dog and pony show like the Velveteen Rabbit! Who else here??!

Skeezwazzle 7 May 27

Enjoy being online again!

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What does this mean? Guessing that if I don't GET IT, I will be viewed negatively in someone's schema. 🙂

Lindi Level 3 May 29, 2018

It means: Life is a circus. Run hard and be all loved up at the end of the line.

@Skeezwazzle Hmm I guess we speak different languages! Thank you for attempting to answer the question.


That is pretty much me to.....!


Meeting and finish this dog and pony show haha thats funny
i think the blog here is quite interesting, intellectual, witty funny and silly at times
yes hope to meet up with some here too

Rosh Level 7 May 28, 2018

Wait, all I remember from the Velveteen Rabbit is all the kid's shit get burned and maybe someone dies? Or was that just the rabbit dying because it had to be burned... either way, I was traumatized as a kid, ha ha!

Remi Level 7 May 27, 2018
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