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Woah... I didn't realize a place like this existed. ????????

GodlessJay 3 Oct 7

Enjoy being online again!

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I need to meet more like minded people. But like atheists who can do something other than atheist. Like yes I agree there is no god about having anything else in common. Like yes Karen the church is fucked up for the millionth time


I am really happy this site exists. Ive tried dating sites and am always bombarded by conservative christians bc of my looks (they rarely take the time to read my profile) but once they realize my views and opinions and most importantly MORALS differ from theirs they have gotten rather mean towards me.
I have experienced more kindness and intellectual conversations with my non religious friends. Here's to you!


I once had a T Shirt that was titled Agnostic Dyslexic

The question on the shirt was "Is there a dog?

I am both. Neeeeeeed that shirt lol


I was just thinking the other day about the need for an online dating community for non believers. It's long overdue. I live in a rural, conservative part of Kansas, so needless to say most of the people I match with on traditional dating sites are "not my type".


Now it does, it's great isn't it?

MarcO Level 5 Oct 7, 2017

Same here. Saw it on FB, was signed up two minutes later... Hi!!!

Zster Level 8 Oct 7, 2017

I just recently found this site, too, thanks to a facebook ad.


Yeah, it's a new place. Welcome!

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