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I really can't fathom how human beings believe in an invisible man living in the sky? The only explanation is the constant no-stop blather from brainwashed church like people who work themselves into a frenzy at the mention of God?

Teaching children and all who will listen to their nonstop sermons about Jesus! Quite frankly I'm sick of it and the more I hear about a fictitious entity, the more convinced I am its all BS. We're here, then gone forever! Time does not exist anymore. Religions people can't stand that and think there has to be a higher power to it all?

Lets face it... the world is a beautiful place or at least it was until we came along and is only made worse by the church. A sin to have contraception has over populated the planet to grotesque proportions.

The world would be a far better place without religion because all these nut bars that LOVE God would not think "He" would the cure to the problems the world is facing.

Just some random thoughts today in the great scheme of things which will not matter a hill of beans. And neither will being on your knee's preaching to a stone God.

Tourirst 7 May 29

Enjoy being online again!

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If it were real - it would be evident to all.. Religion’s ‘success’ is that it likely includes a soothing answer to every human fear or concern. Death is not the end, if you do what you’re told while ‘down here,’ you’ll live forever ‘up there.’

It doesn't matter how unfairly you're treated, you’ll be rewarded ‘up there.’ Yes, it’s sad, your brother died … but he’s alive ‘up there,’ and you’ll someday be with him again ...if you do everything you’re told down here..

It doesn't matter that he’s rich and you’re poor ..the streets of heaven are paved with gold! This is the only book you need read has all the answers! And anything that might go wrong is ‘the devil’s fault,’ not our loving & wonderful sky-grandpa…

As militant as I’ve been regarding my atheism, hanging ‘around here’ interacting with people like you has given me an additional boost of confidence. I can feel it - and sometimes ‘test it.’ Walking down a small-town street past a church ..I almost puff up inside knowing - not everyone falls for that bullshit, cuz I know a place where they know better 🙂

Varn Level 8 May 29, 2018

For me I think people have to evolve at their own pace and I wouldn't tear anyones security blanket from them because then it would be down to me to do something about it - I think you are right but its the process of getting there that is the problem - Like the young girl Malala? who was shot for wanting an education- getting from a to b is not that simple.

Also with more and more advancements in science with explanations of the who, what, where and how. Europe is losing church membership, hopefully the USA will too.

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