This is going to be a weird topic but, who else can I share it with? You know how people put stickers on their cars, whether it's a parking sticker or license plate sticker - the ones that renew annually? What makes me curious is this:
Why do they not put the new renewal sticker over the old one? Why do they paper their car or license plate with the new ones and leave the old ones? I saw this again this morning; the person had their parking stickers for their college campus all around their back windshield.
Is this just the way some folks' brains work? Am I neat and tidy (to my detriment?) and others are ... slobs? More creative? This question will not change the world, but it is a curiosity about how people think. Thoughts?
As a college student many many moons ago, I remember the campus trend of slapping each successive year's parking permit sticker on top of the old year (but not completely eclipsing the old sticker's year info) so that people could gage your seniority - or lack thereof. This was on a chrome bumper, so this trend may have gone the way of swallowing goldfish or packing telephone booths.
At my college campus, in a "tradition" that continues for some, the stickers are placed around the back windshield, not on top of each other. Perhaps for the same purpose! I had not thought of that.
I see it as a way to confuse police so they can't tell easily if it's current. Just like license plate covers that make them hard to read I associate it with trying to get away with things
Here in Ohio-land. It's a law that you put the licence plate sticker in the box on the plate that is designed to hold it.
I'm originally from Ohio! But I've been in Florida for a long time. There probably is a law!
I have no idea! I have only seen that behavior a couple of times, and I've lived in different areas of the country. (maybe I just haven't been in the right places?!)
I just stick my old sticker on top of the new one. I have, on rare occasion, removed the old ones first, but they go on a piece of paper and into the shredder when I do!