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The Vietnam Wall - Sorry Didn't See it on Memorial Day

sassygirl3869 9 May 30

Enjoy being online again!

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it took me a while to recover from seeing the wall. Tears and emotions that were gut wrenching prevailed. the cost of war was in the flag draped coffins. It always is. War for profit is so bloody evil.


This is my favorite monument in Washington, the way it is carved into the ground, as if the Earth itself was wounded. It has a dignity that many of the other monuments lack, such as the horrendous MLK monument.

cava Level 7 May 30, 2018

yes war is man made for controlling others and power

Rosh Level 7 May 30, 2018

I had been to the wall, I took my children to the wall. My son was a todler. He served in the Air Force. I was Navy active when I visited. Thank You for the details. america owes those names an apology for calling them "baby killers". And many idiots here too that simply think that calling a serviceman a "pawn" of politicians make them righteous ignoring how they get con election after election as they participate being nothing but a "mark". I have met better Christians than atheists simply because I had lived a long time. I had met better Atheists than christians too for the very same reason.... longevity of my soul regardless the idiot that do not believe in a soul. Puff... the last sound you will hear when you die.


Thought the wall was only for Mexico ? Lol

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