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What is the worst thing a “believer” has done to you?

LuckyCharms 6 May 30

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Absolutely nothing....I don't give them that power


My wife passed away in March. We were both very affirmed in our disbelief of religion, especially Christianity. At her memorial her stepfather fabricated a story of her “accepting jesus” in her final days. Then went on about how beautiful and inspirational it was.

I realized at that moment just how much self control I can muster. It was the most selfish and disgusting thing I have ever personally witnessed and I do not foresee me ever forgiving him for it.

Very much so. We were very open and honest about it. My mother in law was know to corner my wife and lash out at how we are leading our children to a path of eternal damnation.

They made attempts to pray with her a few times and she not so kindly told them no. This is when she was on hospice during her last week or so. We talked, as well as she could, the night before she passed. She most certainly did not change her mind in her final unconscious hours.

And I don’t think you can misinterpret “please f#cking stop” as accepting jesus as ones lord and savior.


They contributed greatly to my belief that I don't belong in the world.


As a young child, made me feel wretched, worthless and guilty


A priest told he couldn't believe a single thing I said because I had not been raised in a church.


My sister and myself were both raised Catholic. She is now an extreme Christian. I am a non-believer who remains affected by my own brainwashing. I now have to witness my young niece going through essentially the same thing that I had to endure. It is not malicious, but still horrific.

palex Level 6 May 30, 2018

Tortured me.


My born again brother annoyingly preached at my mom's celebration of life, when she was not christian. So rude.


Physically, sexually and emotionally abused me. Then got mad that I wasn't over it because "god forgave (her) why couldn't 💡?"

I*. No idea why it became a lightbulb.


Aside from annoying the living shit outta me...nothing.


Talked to me.

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