Calling all women over 50!
Would you date a bald or a balding man? I'm not talking about when the love of your life starts losing his hair and is eventually bald; I want to know if you would start a relationship with a man after seeing in his profile picture that he is losing most of his hair?
I am a natural type of gal. I don't color my hair and keep it short cuz it's uncontrollably curly. I rarely wear makeup though I do get my nails done. I like to do what I like to do, and I extend that option to everyone around me. So you're loosing your hair. My questions are: How is your mind? How is your heart? How is your health? How do you treat others? Shall I go on? Those are much more critical to me than the amount of hair you have, or your height, or the car you drive or don't drive. So yes, I'd consider starting a relationship with a balding or bald dude who lives in my general area, unless you voted for Don the Con and have no regrets on that score then that is a big old NO.
I want a man with a natural hair line. In other words, no comb-overs or toupees....and no dying gray hair. Bald is just fine or if you're going bald, just go ahead and shave it all off if you would like.
There is a lot more to think about that where your hairline ends. If a man is honorable, intelligent, kind, Has integrity, it doesn't matter. Just no combovers. They look so desperate. Also, no Trump hair. It just looks goofy.
I would! It seems like the older I get, I find myself attracted to more and more bald or balding men. But, no comb overs! I also dislike when they are almost completely bald but, insist on putting a teeny tiny pony tail in the back with barely any hair in it. I just want to scream, "stop denying your hair loss and cut it off already!". LOL If I could get away with it, I'd shave my hair off. My mornings would be so much easier. ?
That last part. I used to always say that. Then I started going bald (apparently women do this). So I DID IT! I haven't looked back! Mornings ARE much easier. And once you get used to the idea that everybody who sees you in public thinks you're a dyke or cancer survivor, and who gives a fuck what they think, it's not that big a deal.
Comb Woody and Bill in!
Of course. I've been dating a guy who is cometely bald going on 6 years. I've never known him to have hair.
Of course! I assume we're not talking about a tangerine comb-over or something odd, like that. I actually attracted to people who are aging naturally -- at our age that includes balding or at the very least gray hair. Authenticity in all things is important.
Are you talking about the tangerine tinted baboon??????
@ShuMei2018 Ha came across it yesterday (wish I could take credit for it. I just call him the idiot in charge) and I kinda liked it too!
I would if he were completly bald, not one who is trying to hold on to the hair he has left. A shaved head is so sexy!
Sure why not? I prefer them long hair...but hair, or lack thereof...had nothing to do with their character.
I'm so confused. What does hair have to do with someone's personality or behavior? Now that being said, I'm physically attracted to clean cut guys. Hair always neat and trim, never ever shaggy. So, as long as there is no stupid combover or ponytail, and what he has is short, trim and neat, I'm good.
This goes for facial hair, also. .