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With the pardon that Trump just gave and the others he is talking about, he is deliberately enabling, encouraging, and enhancing a culture of political and financial corruption. The danger that Trump represents to our democracy, judicial system,, constitutional government, civil rights, and culture CANNOT be overestimated. He is a living, breathing clear and present danger to us and our country!

wordywalt 9 May 31

Enjoy being online again!

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And he doesn't even realize it himself being a psychopath.


He's sending a message to the likes of Manafort and Cohen. Stay loyal and you'll be fine.


Well the consensus of opinion in the civilized world is that, at the moment, we should build a fucking big wall around the US. I believe Canada has already started. Just jocking. I really do feel for the majority who see this idiot as a threat. Now where is that grassy knoll?


You left out the sky is falling.

gater Level 7 May 31, 2018

He is acrook with the power. It shows his true colors and what he thinks of others.


Totally Agree. Why I posted meme of White House sinking into a swamp. We are in grave danger.

I do not know who is worse grumpiest or penceadoddle.The latter is a religious freek and try pie is just a plane crook and possible traitor

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