We all are subject to Freudian slips in our conversations.. What is your funniest one?
This wasn't mine, but I still laugh about it to this day.
I was listening to a chat slot on the radio and someone was asked about their religion. They said "Oh, I'm very high church; I just love the liturgy and the smell of incest".
[Oh jeez, I'm laughing even now!]
I've typed ho instead of hi in a work email that included a VP, in addition to many other inappropriate typos at work. One included someone named Tate whom I misspelled as tit. I've scratched the rest from memory. Oh, I have to type "assets" a lot and type asses instead. Thank goodness spell check confirms that before I send.
lol...that's funny!! i type land descriptions and instead of 'official public records' i've accidentally typed 'official pubic records'... more than once.
In my secretarial days I had a letter returned by my boss for re-typing which I had begun "Thank you for your phone call toady,"
In bed with my ex and our dogs watchimg TV (a bit stoned - something he didn't approve of). I was playing with the dog who hates to have his spots poked. I must have said "I'm going to smoke your pot" like 3 times playing with him before I realized it. Pretty sure my ex knew at that point. Maybe not a true slip - the pot might have had something to do with it.
My ex and I went with another couple to visit friends of theirs that we hadn't yet met. We entered their friends house and when introductions had been made I looked at the wife and asked where her bathroom was. That was followed by dead, uncomfortable silence until it was pointed out to me that I had actually asked, "Where's your bedroom?"