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What's your wild side?
What are your bad choices that make interesting stories?
Not advocating for them. Not proud, but not ashamed either. Just saying "I can't believe I did that."
I'm bringing this up because someone much younger than me emailed me, after a few exchanges, said "Lady (I love that!) you need to get out more. Do some hood stuff."
He made an assumption about me, put me in a box - older white lady that's always led a boring life.
Not talking about your sexual exploits here. Those are a dime a dozen.
Me - It all started with stealing cars at 13. I think they call it joyriding.
And here I am, 51 years later.

gloriadeb 6 June 2

Enjoy being online again!

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The list is long. Snuck out of the house after midnight, did Sunshine LSD at home (didn't believe it would really work) and watched in horror as my parents faces melted in front of my eyes, hitchhiked, snuck my boyfiend into grandma's house (on the 2nd floor via a ladder), dodged the porter on a train for 2 days to avoid paying the extra travel fee, mooned or pulled our tops up countless times in the car, snuck into some poitician's house to steal his much more. I did it all in fun and did have a guilty conscious through it all! LOL!


I love it when my younger friends forget (or don't consider) that I used to be their age, doing all the crazy shit they do. I still do a lot of crazy shit. Keeps me young and keeps life interesting.


I once got drunk with my cousin and some friends; we were out in the sticks in Virginia...somebody said, let’s go skinny-dipping. Sure, why not?
We staggered to the riverbank and stripped off our clothes(onto red mud, lol). I jumped right in. The thing is, I can’t swim!
Luckily I jumped into a shallow area and was able to climb out later. CRAWL out, covered in mosquito bites and more red mud. Had to throw the clothes I was wearing away!


I was in the store and I forgot I had some ace bandages in my hand and walked out with them. Then didn’t return them. ??‍♀️That’s all I got.


Marrying a fucking lunatic is right up there! 🙂

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