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Wondering how many here would share the view that mainstream organised religions are actually cults? Very large, socially acceptable cults with tax exempt status but cults nonetheless. When i think of Roman Catholicism, the belief system I was indoctrinated in from an early age, it bears so many of the same hallmarks. We usually don't think of them that way because they have so many followers and are generally accepted by governments as legitimate but what are the real differences, if any?

Flanman 3 June 2

Enjoy being online again!

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In terms of historical accuracy, they are all cults. Religion is a term that properly should be used when dealing with the system of beliefs. Cult is a term that is used regarding the veneration of a particular subject. In the West, currently, the subject is God of Abraham, making the worship veneration of a cult, but the rules and strictures are the religion part. I'm not awake yet, so if I'm not making sense, just comment and after coffee I'll revisit. I used to teach ancient mythology and religion way, way, way back in the day, so the info is there if the brain gears get moving again.

Hordo Level 6 June 20, 2018

And some countries have even outlawed or prohibited tom cruz's and jazz travolta's religion.


I define them all as cults. I think organized religion is all about exerting power over the masses. I'm a big advocate of looking at all the facts and making up your own mind. Relinquishing the power to make your own decisions and form your own opinions sounds terrifying to me.


No difference, they are cults. It is only that the word cult has a worse connotation then the word religion.


Exactly how I view all forms of organized religion. Socially acceptable cults.


Cults. Or bullsh*t. Kinda interchangeable. Not that it matters.

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