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50-60% of our DNA is exactly the same as a banana. Which means that some people are 10% more banana than others. I'm pretty sure in the "more banana" group.

Duke 8 June 2

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The other 40-50% are nuts.


Did you know the banana is native to Australia? Just sayin' 😉 😉


I think I may be 80% bananas.

4 can that be? But I like banana's................


Thats why 50% of the population are males ?


Don't be sending out any banana pics! ☺


Bragging again? Lol...


Well, I’ve been called a banana before (yellow on the outside, white on the inside). Don’t ask.

You hig the Banana on the head !

That is FUNNY!

You haven't experienced the banana world - you're confined to the gaol (jail in American) of the big banana corporations and their particular "Cavendish" banana. There are over 500 varieties. Here is one of my favourites. []

@Tomaf I’m not half yellow half white. Banana is used somewhat in an insulting way (not really quite a derogatory term) to refer to Asians (of immigrant families) who are very westernized. It was a very big deal where I grew up where there was a large more recent Asian immigrant population. Bananas are seen as not the real thing.

@Petter Oh I know there are many varieties as I'm well traveled. I actually grew up eating mostly plantains common in the tropical area where I was born. Anyhow, I can no longer eat bananas due to allergies so it really doesn't matter what colour they are. I didn't invent the term "banana" when referring to certain people.

@MARDUK Yes I am allergic to latex

@MARDUK I don’t wear watches anymore. I can’t eat tomatoes either but sometimes sneak in small amounts into my meals. Bananas are a complete no.


I thought so too, Duke. Maybe, it's your natural appeal (a-peel).


LOL! Puts new meaning to the term, "He's bananas!"


Yup, that's what I thought when I looked at you: that, right there, is more banana than a person...

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