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I used to believe, like Sartre, that we are always defining ourselves by significant acts of the will, that it's what we've done that makes us what we are. Unfortunately I no longer believe this. Unfortunately because it gives the comforting illusion that we can be what we want. Now I think that is largely illusory.

Yogi Bera said when you come to a fork in the road take it. This may be more intelligent than it sounds. I believe there are no forks in the road. You may contemplate alternate courses of action but there is only one path. Further, there is no such thing as a rational decision. I think we do what we want and rationalize it after the fact. We don't even know it because it's so automatic.

Just a little half-assed philosophizing for a Sunday morning.

RaaChenn 7 June 3

Enjoy being online again!

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GASP! You mean...there's no such thing as ''free will?"

Certainly we're all products of our earlier lives. If we're lucky, we can break destructive patterns and move toward health and happiness.

@RaaChenn Which is all any of us can do, isn't it? Life's about the ''PURSUIT" of guarantees. It's up to us.

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