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Today is Sunday. Many radio stations are playing gospel music. Though I don't agree with the indoctrination of Christianity I enjoy gospel music, How many out there can separate the music from the message?

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Shelton 8 June 3

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It's hard for me, but I try. I don't listen to gospel specifically, but I really like that "Dancing in the Rain" song from the early 2010s even though the guy who sings it, Shane Harper, played Josh in "God's Not Dead".


I love gospel music - having written that - I should also write that for me music is about the beat, the instruments used and the passion behind the music the musician is putting out there. I'm soon going to be 51 and I've not yet memorized the lyrics to a song. The singing to me is like a muffled bonus - I don't hear the specific words but I know someone is singing. That likely makes very little sense.


I like the music, dislike the message and can't sing it well enough to not get dirty looks.
Originally I was going to say that I didn't really listen to gospel that much so it was hard to make an opinion but then I realized that my dad liked it and would listen from time to time. He enjoyed it and made it enjoyable.


Where I live in Montana, there are basically six types of radio stations. Listed from most numerous to least; Country music (which I do not like, and will NOT listen to), Christian radio(which I do NOT like, and will NOT listen to), Popular culture music (which I do not like, but will listen to in a pinch), Talk radio (which, if it is a topic I am interested in, I will listen), Classic Rock (by far my favorite) and at the bottom of the list Rap (which I do not like, and will not listen to).

I never realized I was so picky with radio until I moved out here!


I like some good Gospel...folk especally!

For me, Folk yes, gospel NOPE


Music is purely abstract and has no religious content though, with time certain tunes can evolve religious connotations, but this is always subjective. Tunes are often recycled as religious music. So, if you can ignore the goofy lyrics, then listen and enjoy.


As long as I don't have to flatten my ass on a pew for three hours.

@Shelton lol.

I LACK big butt and I cannot lie.


As atheist we don't have any dogma so if you like gospel go ahead.

P.s. Who cares about those badly written "sci-fi" stories.


We have a local group called Sounds of Blackness and they are amazing! I wouldn’t give it up. Similarly, I love that Robin Thicke song Blurred Lines despite not being a fan of the message.


If it sounds good I listen if it looks good I watch. one of my favourite films is dusk till dawn.


I can listen to it.Some great tunes.

Coldo Level 8 June 4, 2018



I don’t particularly care for gospel music, but many songs I like have religious references. I don’t have a problem with it unless it’s a really shitty message like Jesus Take The Wheel.

@Shelton Well taking responsibility for oneself is not a terribly popular thing these days.


Not a fan of gospel, but I do enjoy Gregorian's treatment of hit songs


I never make an effort to listen to gospel music, but I can appreciate and enjoy it. There are many kinds of gospel -- and religious music. It is perhaps more an expression of culture and the product of certain groups of people than it is a purely religious expression. I can enjoy the high culture that produced much of the great sacred music in Europe in previous centuries. This is high art, and some of the most refined music that Europeans have ever produced. I'm thinking of much of the work of Bach, Mozart, Handel, Beethoven, etc. Classical music at its finest is sacred religious music. I can also enjoy the hymns produced by the various Protestant churches here in America over the past 200 years, and even the ones produced in a rough, backwoods manner. All these forms of music are artistic expressions of a particular group of people, my people, my ancestors and forebears. So it immediately speaks to my tribal soul. Again, this is not so much an expression of religion as it is a manifestation of racial soul. I'm certain black people feel the same way about their religious music, even if they, too, no longer believe in the religion itself. They still believe in their people. And so it is with all people.


The only Godpel music I can listen to is what I grew up on otherwise I dislike it.


The only album Elvis won a Grammy.. Gospel.


I enjoy Christmas carols (though they're never to be heard on the airwaves herabouts, it seems), not because of any religious content or association, but as a gateway to childhood memories of Christmastime - they capture something of the essence of what that time of year still signifies. There are certain hymns we sung at school assemblies at the begnning of each day that are likewise the soundtrack of what it was to be young, and carry within them very fond memories. They encapsulate a distant period - when the world was rather younger and much smaller.

Very much this.


Not only do I enjoy gospel music. I can "get happy" while enjoying it. You know - that sense of euphoria that religious people attribute to the divine. I know it's self-induced release of endorphins, but good feels is good feels.

Deb57 Level 8 June 4, 2018

I grew up mostly in Assembly of God congregations, and I still love gospel music

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