I think therefore I am, we think therefore we are...I feel therefore I am, we feel therefore we are...I / we parts in the same journey...I journey therefore I am, we journey therefore we are one identity configuration in time, beautifully arranged upon a sphere as common / unique aspect of unity, without, knowledge of the collective selves relevance to the private selves importance as a member of the same order and kind?
WTF ???
I read your statement/question 5 times, trying to identify the basic idea you were trying to put forward, and I was unable to....likewise with the arrow. Could you put it into simple sentence form for me, and then I will read it again and perhaps be able to appreciate your underlying hypothesis. ty
I don't understand the way class fits into that.
That sounds very much like the meritocracy myth.
What are you/we on about ?
You do like to ramble, don't you ?