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I heard on NPR that Rudy Giuliani said that Trump can pardon himself. However, in my mind I think if he tried to do it that would be like confessing guilt to an impeachable offense. He may be able to prevent himself from going to jail, but he could not prevent himself from being impeached and removed from office.

If he were to attempt to pardon himself (admit to guilt), that is all that is required for impeachment, is to be guilty of a (high) crime.

snytiger6 9 June 4

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The only way I think Trump avoids impeachment is never talking to Mueller. I am doubt the administration could find the truth even if it was attached to their faces and all they had to do was read it.


Omg I got off Facebook for the political crap now here it is here.


Don’t they need to find some crime first?


Rudy Giuliani is an ass licking douchebag.


Ha ha! Actually. I do need help improving my written English. Thank you. I shall amend it.


He would need charges to be brought against him in order to be able to pardon himself for them. I’ve been hearing a lot of lawyers saying that they don’t think the Justice Department has the authority to do this. In which case, he would never need to pardon himself.

But say he did somehow get in trouble, and then pardoned himself. The GOP want him in power so that they keep power. They won’t move to impeach him, no matter what.

miffy Level 5 June 4, 2018

However, depednign on timing it may influence the outcome of the 2018 mid terms, whicih could result in republicans losing theri majorities. Still, that is an awful lot of "ifs".


Some are putting the cart far ahead of the horse. This is just speculation and nothing more.

@fathercat It is not fact until it happens. IMHO

Can't argue that it is a fact that he SAID it. Saying and doing is quite different. Anybody can say it.

@fathercat I won't argue with that.

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