Recently brought to light thanks to one whistleblower is the following news of salmon fish farming in Tasmania, Australia. If this catastrophe had occurred to cows, pigs, chickens or cats there would have been prosecutions from now until 2025 but as it is fish and antiquated laws do not recognise fish as being in need of protection from cruel and unnatural practices, the inhumane behaviour continues. As usual government and its protection agencies are bought or too intimidated by commercial companies.
Ask yourself what happened to the million+ dead and diseased fish and how many were processed and sold in your supermarket after being smoked or carefully cut up into fillets?
That's very sad, but to be fair it's a very new industry. While people like Dr Suzuki have initially spoken out strongly against fish farming practices: [] there may be improvements that can make these safer over time.
Then again in cattle farming things seem to be polarizing (organic/ free range, grass/ grain fed vs cheap, crowded, chemical pumped), so I guess it has a lot to do with consumers and their desire and ability to pay for the best farming practices.
Stupid is as stupid does. []
@FrayedBear owh I'm only on page 19 and I'm starting to feel beaten down. I'm guessing that, 'The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity' doesn't have a happy ending! Is it sarcastic? I do hope so.
@girlwithsmiles No sarcasm, a genuine attempt to correctly analyse humanity. Didn't you watch "A beautiful Mind"?
@FrayedBear about the American mathematician? Yes, and I'm really glad that he had sympathetic people around that allowed him to recover in his own way; but I got more out of the 1997 movie, Life is Beautiful.
humanity as such will not acknowledge other animal species as equally sentient - ever! sad enough, but that's why we have to cease.