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I am truly conflicted and could use some help. My priest is upset because I told her I do not believe GOD exists. She insisted that he is alive and well. I said I needed proof. She had the church mail me a dossier that says GOD is alive living under the assumed name of Jonathan Boswell. He lives in a 3 room flat above a liquor store in Clevland Ohio. He is working as a security guard on the graveyard shift at an old pencil factory. Apparently his wife Mary left him for a union plumber. His kid Jesus is living in the tenderloin in SF and is a heroin addict. My priest wants me to donate to a gofundme account to help get GOD GET INTO REHAB. HERE is my problem. I loaned GOD $3500 a few years ago and he has not paid me back. Should I donate to the gofundme account?

Ciravolostone 6 June 5

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Nice story until you said you loaned god $3500 ... obviously you already knew he existed.

@Ciravolostone Not to my knowledge. It has multiple usages. In chemistry it is a fixative that helps a dye "stick", but what I had in mind was "having or showing a sharp or critical quality". Hopefully in a good way, as in "biting wit" 😉


No! just write off the $ 3500 The bastard won't pay you back anyway !

Thanks, I need love . Lol

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