General & Hellos
Mar 4, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by stu1950
Just new to this site. But my beliefs in god are really.not there. But being a counselor I have no issue with their beliefs in god. But my thing is that same old feeling WHY shit happens. My realization it's called fate and that's it. Billy Graham ...
News & Links
Mar 3, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by resserts
Billy Graham was a pernicious influence on the White House | New York Post
1 comment
Silly, Random & Fun
Mar 3, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by RickWard
Did anyone else's state put the flags at half mast for Billy Graham?
Religion & Spirituality
Mar 1, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by JennyJohnson
I am so sIck of hearIng about bIlly graham, he Is nothIng but just lIke me. Just made mIllIons off of lIes
1 comment
General & Hellos
Mar 1, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by Ceaselessmind
Just created a meme regarding the passing of Rev. Billy Graham.
Feb 28, 2018Feb 2018

Posted by KingofHarts
Is Billy Graham being on display at the Capitol Rotunda a separation of church and state issue?
General & Hellos
Feb 28, 2018Feb 2018

Posted by Funeralgirl
Billy Graham lying “in honour” in Washington, I’m really trying hard not to gag.. really sickening that this jerk that has done nothing buy lie and rob vulnerable people is being worshipped today in Washington by al the so called important ...