Religion & Spirituality
Nov 21, 2018Nov 2018

Posted by Paul82
I was brought up in a Christian house hold. My father was a church deakin and my mum was a Sunday school teacher (still is). I can't remember a time in my life where I actually believed in God. Anyone else always had an issue with believing in ...
Family & Parenting
Oct 20, 2018Oct 2018

Posted by CesStuart
My family now knows that I don't believe in a God. I came from a not-so religious family. Of course, coming from a Catholic country, it is expected that of a citizen to be baptized as a Catholic or at least, a Protestant Christian. Due to this, I ...
Academic (e.g., Science)
Oct 14, 2018Oct 2018

Posted by Cosmicowl_73
Tonight my brother said "religion answers all the questions that science can not." He also didn't know who Elon musk was until tonight. If god were real, I would pray to have mercy on his poor soul lol
Family & Parenting
Oct 9, 2018Oct 2018

Posted by thezekroman
Does "the atheist closet" detract from what homosexual individuals went through?
Philosophy & Meaning
Oct 8, 2018Oct 2018

Posted by Nichole765
My ex called last night. His wife left him. Those two have made my life miserable the last couple years. Hindered my relationship with his and my kids. I only offered sympathy and encouragement. Being the bigger person is my strength. ...
Silly, Random & Fun
Oct 3, 2018Oct 2018

Posted by GDean2016
Unequally Yoked?
Religion & Spirituality
Oct 1, 2018Oct 2018

Posted by yogafan108
So I told my mom this past weekend that I am Agnostic. I didn't expect her to be upset, disappointed, or angry. However, I never expected the response I got from her. She stated that she is agnostic too and has been for decades. I never knew. I knew ...
Religion & Spirituality
Sep 22, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by CesStuart
Failing Mother’s Godly Child Checklist One thing I love being at med school is that I get to stay away from the religious community I grew up in. Don’t get me wrong. I love my parents, but I don’t like having religious ...
Family & Parenting
Sep 20, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by jacpod
I had a shock today as I found a picture of my grandmother who died ,just months before insulin was invented for diabetes, she got it from the shock when she saw a munitions factory nearby blow up high into the sky with all her friends and ...
Religion & Spirituality
Sep 17, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by Freethinker85
Should I have my kids visit my religious mother and father-in-law?