Science, Health & History Tidbits
Dec 14, 2021Dec 2021

Posted by Killtheskyfairy
Is teeny tiny a scientific term?
Science, Health & History Tidbits
Jun 8, 2021Jun 2021

Posted by phxbillcee
Taking a Bite Out of Oddball Tooth Evolution: Frogs Lost Teeth More Than 20 Times
1 comment
Jan 11, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by Behind-the-dog
Spring chorus. I dug a "pond" (vernal pool, actually, as it dries out completely some years) in my back yard many years ago, and it quickly became a breeding ground for several amphibian species. Here are three that contribute to a raucous spring ...
Just for Laughs
Nov 15, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by Hages
Alex Jones on the gay frogs
General & Hellos
Apr 20, 2019Apr 2019

Posted by Rachelscm
LINKcomercial vocall , sapo não fala, frog cant speak, anos 2000, a internet "que fala" - YouTube
Just for Laughs
Mar 27, 2019Mar 2019

Posted by JackPedigo
What's for dinner?
Health & Happiness
Jun 18, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by Free_2B_Me
Fountain on my back deck (one that used to be down in my garden/sitting area)...replaced the pump today with a different one, so much better water flow and 'babbling brook' sound!? Has a few pieces broken off that l need to glue back on, but having...
Health & Happiness
Jun 4, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by Free_2B_Me
Picked up some tomato plants to do some container gardening (will transplant later) Hydrangeas are still green, but getting some little buds on them, and new frogs have entered the 'Frog Zone'!!?
Health & Happiness
May 18, 2018May 2018

Posted by Free_2B_Me
Saw this little guy down in the riverbed this morning (but he was too fast for me to catch)...hard to tell from the pics, but he was only about an inch long. It's a mini-me of the adult frog from earlier! So cute!?
1 comment
Health & Happiness
May 18, 2018May 2018

Posted by Free_2B_Me
Look who l found in the water fountain this morning! It's momma frog! (Or maybe daddy, l don't know...) She/he got away a couple of times, but l finally managed to get a better grip on her and take some shots l think you'll enjoy! This is what my ...
General & Hellos
Mar 14, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by Tippa
OH where, OH where is my fair princess with skin of porcelain, hair of silk and nails of fire. She must be out there looking for me, for I am just a mere frog. RRRIIBBIIT