Free Time, Weekends, Vacations and Travels
Apr 27, 2023Apr 2023

Posted by Wander2023
I'm in Marble Falls. Texas and went hiking at Inks Lake State Park. The wildflowers were beautiful!
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General & Hellos
Sep 9, 2019Sep 2019

Posted by Petter
There is a solitary mountain in the foothills of the alps, near Como. Because it is solitary the Italians call it "orphan mountain", or "Montorfano". At the base is a beautiful, isolated lake, where many people swim during summer. It is a 30 minute ...
All Things Asia
Jul 8, 2019Jul 2019

Posted by Boomtarat03
Temperatures transform China's Yuncheng Salt Lake into a colourful sea
General & Hellos
Jun 2, 2019Jun 2019

Posted by AirForceRN1
POLLWhat do you like to day on the 1st Sunday in June...."besides going to church" (LOL)?
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Health & Happiness
Dec 4, 2018Dec 2018

Posted by jondspen
Lake Graham, near Jackson, Tn Cold and snow helped make these pics early one morning.
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