Philosophy & Meaning
Dec 27, 2017Dec 2017

Posted by silvereyes
Agree or disagree: what doesn't kill us makes us stronger?
General & Hellos
Dec 17, 2017Dec 2017

Posted by Marine
Will the Conservatives tell me why?
1 comment
Love & Relationships
Dec 17, 2017Dec 2017

Posted by Quintproquo
I haven't found an act I didn't have a justification for. I haven't had a moment where I knew the means wouldn't justify the end. I've never had time to worry about how far the consequences would reach. Now I have to reason my life in spite of the ...
General & Hellos
Dec 14, 2017Dec 2017

Posted by Singularity666
Anyone Queer and Fabulous in Tampa, FL, and around ages 21-31? I am still kind of new to Tampa because I have been working a lot with not much time off but that is fixing to change somewhat. I screen all my friends and I’m very selective just ...
General & Hellos
Dec 3, 2017Dec 2017

Posted by joinlimbo
Let us all get together and start our own tax free religious, non religious sect, and use the money for fun and worthy causes. We could put forth a platform of self awearness ,self improvement, a envirorment of excepting and helping our owne in a ...
Philosophy & Meaning
Nov 20, 2017Nov 2017

Posted by Hisham93
Does the religion become stronger in middle east or it will becom weak in the next couple years?
Music, Movies & Books
Nov 20, 2017Nov 2017

Posted by ErichZannIII
Another poem I wrote. I seem to have dark poems on my mind. Usually, I prefer writing short stories and full length stories. But occasionally a poem hits me. If you could tell me what you think of it. Plague… Doesn’t it have a frightful ring ...
Philosophy & Meaning
Nov 16, 2017Nov 2017

Posted by JHeyoka
A.I. vs. Life There is a great debate over this. I even just saw some article entitled 'The Dominant Life Form in the Cosmos Is Probably Superintelligent Robots' It seems to argue that NASA itself and many other highly intelligent agencies and ...
Religion & Spirituality
Nov 16, 2017Nov 2017

Posted by Dwight
As the darkness turns to light this morning, I am reminded of those who struggled to convince the religious powers that be to accept a solar-centric world view. When we refer to the dawning as a "sunrise" we are lapsing back to those times when ...
1 comment
Oct 31, 2017Oct 2017

Posted by Steyv
What are the moral responses to Nazis? One of the larger questions of our time oddly, often asked as "should you punch a Nazi?" I'd actually open it up to white supremacists s nice that's what it and what genocidal philosophies derive from in ...
Oct 27, 2017Oct 2017

Posted by SageDave
A couple of years back we attempted to start the Nationa Atheist Party. It failed for various reasons. One of those was not enough social media support for the group. We had over 300 members at one time but I believe it can be larger and stronger. ...
Philosophy & Meaning
Oct 27, 2017Oct 2017

Posted by WillKincaid
What do you think of these Principles? Kincaid's Axioms 1)Scrutiny Scrutiny isn't harsh it's a necessity, good ideas should always win out over bad ones, scrutiny is a tool of good judgment. 2)Objectivity Objectivity is a high priority, though ...
Oct 2, 2017Oct 2017

Posted by sparklemuffin
Okay, here's a funny story: When I was younger, I saw stuff about Jesus and Noah's Ark and all of that but I assumed that it was all just stuff from fairy tales, like Jack and the Beanstalk or something. So one day, when I was in kindergarten, I ...
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