Mar 21Mar 21

Posted by Flyingsaucesir
"More than 360,000 students have experienced gun violence at school since Columbine" -- Washington Post
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Silly, Random & Fun
May 25, 2023May 2023

Posted by Flyingsaucesir
Pandora's (ro)box?
Trump Pinata
Jan 5, 2023Jan 2023

Posted by anglophone
12 members of the US House of Representatives deny the validity of the 2020 presidential election: Biggs, Bishop, Boebert, Gaetz, Good, Gosar, Miller, Perry, Crane, Ogles, Luna and Self: When you have that many elected members who are ...
Sep 17, 2020Sep 2020

Posted by Hages
“The sick are the greatest danger for the healthy; it is not from the strongest that harm comes to the strong, but from the weakest.” - Friedrich Nietzsche
All Things Asia
Aug 21, 2020Aug 2020

Posted by Boomtarat03
Philippines: Alyssa Lorain (Filipino artist) shares her oil painting of a frontliner hiding behind a layer of bubble wrap, emphasizing how health workers are only a thin sheet away from danger.
The Watering hole
Apr 26, 2020Apr 2020

Posted by Observer-Effect
Interesting. Geiger counter measurements of the Koran and Bible are both right at background radiation levels, as expected. But move them close together, the counts skyrocket! CPM, Counts Per Minute are variable depending on what kind of meter you ...
General & Hellos
Jun 24, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by Mike1947
Just something I got from a FB munitions post thought it might be of interest. Some genius in the Pentagon purchased a bunch of old WW2 TNT Bombs from NATO for $13 apiece. We got a bunch of those rusty relics at Korat and had the joy of loading ...
Silly, Random & Fun
May 12, 2018May 2018

Posted by vsh76
I was tempted to post this under "Academic" or "Love and Relationships", but to keep it clean I placed it in the fun section. I wish you all a still fabulous Saturday!
General & Hellos
May 9, 2018May 2018

Posted by Josephine
When I was 12 a man I babysat for pinned me up against a wall and called me a cock tease. I smacked him across the face and ran out of his house. When I told my mother she said and I quote "what makes you so special". This guy knew he got away with ...
Silly, Random & Fun
Mar 30, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by Xenocatalyst
POLLDo you agree or disagree?
  • 63 votes
  • 1 vote
General & Hellos
Feb 3, 2018Feb 2018

Posted by Humanlove
Do you think social media are essential tools that are going to become dangerous to us?
1 comment