General & Hellos
Mar 8Mar 8

Posted by Drank_Spear
I don't want you to think you're wrong or right. I simply want you to empty your head of nonsense and embrace your mind without all that garbage in it. You know, a little housekeeping of the mind. It's simple how you do it. You simply recognize...
Health & Happiness
May 4, 2022May 2022

Posted by Julie808
Seth Andrews of "The Thinking Atheist Podcast" interviewed Dr. Ron Siegel about the "Science of Mindfulness." I listened to the podcast, but here is the video of the interview. He raised some interesting points I hadn't considered about how we care...
Introverts Unite!
Sep 9, 2020Sep 2020

Posted by GoodMan
LINK4 Ways Mindfulness Meditation Benefits Me as an Introvert
1 comment
Philosophy & Meaning
Dec 22, 2019Dec 2019

Posted by MsDemeanour
I know it is a bit late since it is the 23 of Dec today but is anyone taking advantage of the Sam Harris ap Waking Up? It is free for the month of December and I am really excited by his insights on such things as consciousness and free will. It is ...
Health & Happiness
Sep 29, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by SukiSue
What exactly is mindfulness? I'm filling up my water bottle using the spigot for the filtered water. I'm watching the water going into the container and I'm watching and I'm thinking.... There's the water. It looks pretty good... It's 1/4 of ...
Health & Happiness
Jul 29, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by josephr
Make your anger an ally by learning what makes you angry, then by realizing why you get angry. “Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.” People always get angry because they’re afraid of ...
Philosophy & Meaning
Jul 20, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by Dippyhippy
How many of you live in the moment as much as possible?
Health & Happiness
Jul 18, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by josephr
Grief comes in many forms, and they all require us to heal if we are to become 'whole' again. I've lost loved ones, through death and break up. But the first time that i was crushed by my grief was in my early 30s, when a dearly beloved friend ...
Philosophy & Meaning
Jun 7, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by MettaCompassion
Buddhist meditation, especially Metta and Mindfulness of Breath, are excellent ways to cultivate mindfulness and achieve inner peace.
1 comment
Religion & Spirituality
May 15, 2018May 2018

Posted by monstrslyr
I don't mean to start anything, but it seems to me, as an agnostic, that it takes as much faith to say there is no god as it does to say there is. Thoughts?
Health & Happiness
May 14, 2018May 2018

Posted by tsacrey
POLLGiven the increased scientific support for the purported benefits of mindfulness and the practice that cultivates it, meditation, how would your describe your feelings toward these ideas?
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Philosophy & Meaning
Mar 23, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by ArdentAtheist
We have labels for everything, I’m atheist, vegan, I practice meditation & mindfulness, musician, yoga, dad, friend, activist, Democrat, I could go on. Life's a journey, 54, finally comfortable in my own skin. An eyebrow goes up when I find a ...
Health & Happiness
Mar 13, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by Katastrophe1969
How does your 3 am look?