General & Hellos
Jul 7, 2021Jul 2021

Posted by tipi
Invention for terralife in pankaprotective peace Let us go up in trees. An ant-aphid group learns and teaches life upstairs. Aphids create food, ants bring earth on a plant, under the flower. Learn new-old/nold things, ...
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General & Hellos
Mar 28, 2021Mar 2021

Posted by tipi
Everything is full of gods. Thales The cosmos is full of gods ederevolving and protectible. siarpi
1 comment
General & Hellos
Dec 31, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tipi
Moondew, or a shiny, rainbowed globe, a Platonian, out-of-dark and with-dark hope. Photo-effect of moonlight on a Nokia mophone/mobile phone. Cosmoterrasophy for panprotectivity. As CosmoTerra Day are all (finite) days, i wish you Happy new benefic ...
1 comment
General & Hellos
Dec 23, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tipi
Wishing a Cosmoterraprotective (to be) Happy Humanlight Day (today, 23 dec. and every day, until the end of cosmoterrian days)! For a medicine in support of patients, not of speculant profits. Let us support benefic medicine! No to overtoxicity. See ...
General & Hellos
Dec 5, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tipi
- World Freedom Alliance, wfa, first meeting, nov 2020, to stop medical fraud and overtoxic vaccines. These folks may not be completely right, but at least try to stop a big fraud. See also . All CosmoRatioPantheism...
General & Hellos
Oct 31, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tipi
Peace, Respect and Protectivity for all Terra-Family! Pace, Respect și Protectivitate pentru totă Terra-Familie! Paix, Respect et Protectivité pour toute la Terra-Famille!
General & Hellos
May 12, 2020May 2020

Posted by tipi
But why we still do not care enough for our Terra.Family.Ship? We should protect It with love, against abuses, with peace, not wars. We could celebrate Terra Day and Terrians' Day every day (terrian di-versary). We need Pantheist Terra.Protectivity ...
General & Hellos
Feb 2, 2020Feb 2020

Posted by tipi
Recreatively. Terra is born free. We Are The Guardians, My Friends! Alter-creation from “We are the champions”, by Squid-queen.s, or Squeens We are the Guardians (of Terra.Protectivity), by Tipi A. We have got ...
1 comment
General & Hellos
Dec 31, 2019Dec 2019

Posted by tipi
Happy New Terra.Year, with more Terra.Protectivity! A Year to share equitably (20=20), with Equi.Sentiment (aequanimitas), Equi.Reason and Equi.Brotherhood, the Terrian Rights and Responsibilities. Terramunity for global Protectivity! Human-Divinity ...
General & Hellos
Nov 9, 2019Nov 2019

Posted by tipi
"Earth Rights: Action Time" (with a censure on mystical-mythical errors) , Call to all Terrians, to assume the role of Earth Guardians. Pantheist Sciarts for Terra Protectivity, before productivity. All Terrians, ...
1 comment
General & Hellos
Nov 4, 2019Nov 2019

Posted by tipi
Cats agree. We need Pantheism for Terra Protectivity. All Terrians, all terraprotective gods (small and big). Terramunity united!
General & Hellos
Nov 3, 2019Nov 2019

Posted by tipi
"Alterum non laedere".../ "Not to harm the other"... The article below ends with this phrase: "The best option is to leave the Uranium in the ground and clean up our country’s toxic nuclear legacy."
1 comment
General & Hellos
Oct 31, 2019Oct 2019

Posted by tipi
Terrian Alert! We need Pantheism for Terra Protectivity first. Stop to fakery and dangerous exposures, including gameware. Stop to toxic, speculative, predatory abuses by industrialist-militarist mobs. Stop to insane trade and media aggressions. ...
1 comment
General & Hellos
Aug 25, 2019Aug 2019

Posted by tipi
peacenotwar homodeusterraprotectivus religionofgood pandetoxification philosophy ethics religion ecology politics terra earthFrom past to present, The Gods are imperfect-perfect Terrians, including Humans. Stop to ...
General & Hellos
Aug 15, 2019Aug 2019

Posted by tipi
Territy Alert! Protect terra-true Peace, not terra-delusive war Article published also on fb, . Our Family Terra needs Unity for systemized Protectivity. In fact, Terra is a Family-Ship. The Terrian Time ...
1 comment
General & Hellos
Jun 22, 2019Jun 2019

Posted by tipi
No country leaderships are trustful. All are directed by lying mobs. Let's stop (left and right) toxic-corrupted-industrialist tyrannies all over the Earth! terraprotectivity homosapienshomodeus pandetoxification coorganizationnotvote ...
General & Hellos
Apr 16, 2019Apr 2019

Posted by tipi
In attention of Terrafriends letsprotectnotredameterra and Her Children first! The abnormal, monstrous monuments are resource-wasteful human injustices that do not support Terralife. reasonnotillusion panethicsunite moralevolutionfirst ...
General & Hellos
Mar 18, 2019Mar 2019

Posted by tipi
Observation: Plants, Our Co-Terrians, have also rights to Survival and Future. Humans, as the most Evolved Living Beings, need to protect all the Terrian Family. We cannot be that selfish as to think only about Our own well-being and profit. It is ...