General & Hellos
Feb 1, 2022Feb 2022

Posted by tipi
Dream of terrahope. mared fo ephoaretr.
General & Hellos
Jul 27, 2021Jul 2021

Posted by tipi
- Proposal of a nold, poeti-sophi-political, ultimat(iv)e law: peace with superterranerrafamily does the d-day, π x s= z Stop antiterrianity, kkk-pitalism, toxivaccines . Stop financial and wood mobs from austria and ...
Health & Happiness
Jun 9, 2021Jun 2021

Posted by tipi
‎"US television publicly admits that Hydroxychloroquine works against sars-cov2 and that Fauci's emails reveal that he knew this, but knowingly discredited it for 18 months‎" Benefic science for all TerraFamily! Stop mafionazismes ...
1 comment
General & Hellos
May 31, 2021May 2021

Posted by tipi
Maximal Terr-Alert! Stop the clocks/machines, save the times. Please, send police reinforcements to Romania and other terracountries too, to stop mafionazitraffics of nature and people. Global mafias should give up pouring drugs in all societies, ...
General & Hellos
Apr 15, 2021Apr 2021

Posted by tipi
For a good, moderated nutrimedicomorality, in a finite cosmoterrian eternity (Notes) "Principes (duces) mortales, res publica (patria, ecosociale communitas) aeterna (finite)"./"Princes (leaders) are mortal, republic ...
General & Hellos
Apr 8, 2021Apr 2021

Posted by tipi
Global Terrasophic Campaign Idea: Priests for philosophy! Humanity is hiring. It looks for quasi-volunteers, talented individuals with former theological studies (and similar), to re-specialize in philosophy, terrasophy, hortisophy etc. and ...
1 comment
General & Hellos
Mar 28, 2021Mar 2021

Posted by tipi
Terrapeace is comfort. tipiaisi tipeeicy Stop global mafionazisms, abusisms, racisms, sexisms etc.! EarthHour terriantimefinitetime onetimeoneterrapeace ,
Feb 4, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tipi
Good Apollodorus longing again For Peace and fine Environment. (ro) Protestul apolodorian ecosociabil Iar versuri noi, contravoltate, De-adăugat la-a noastră carte. Fiind din nou cuprins de dor, Prim-pinguin Apolodor Declară, cam nefericit, ...
1 comment
General & Hellos
Jan 1, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tipi
Happy Terra Peaceways! On Auld Lang Syne. Should be caves forgotten still, And monstrous temples risen? The Time is ours, Humans-Gods, Let us create in Reason. Peace, Health and Hope, for terrafriends, Kind Peace, not war, for all. Each day can be a...
General & Hellos
Dec 31, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tipi
Moondew, or a shiny, rainbowed globe, a Platonian, out-of-dark and with-dark hope. Photo-effect of moonlight on a Nokia mophone/mobile phone. Cosmoterrasophy for panprotectivity. As CosmoTerra Day are all (finite) days, i wish you Happy new benefic ...
1 comment
General & Hellos
Dec 24, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tipi
Christmas earth terra cosmoterra cosmoterrasophy philosophy song In a Planet-Family,/ All and every are tacky. / Share the Peace for Holidays,/ Poor and Rich, and change the ways... tacky=cf. to old etymology, attaching, ...
General & Hellos
Dec 24, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tipi
Good CosmoTerrian Holidays! GCH! Terra always in our minds. New version to "Always on my mind". Written by Wayne Carson, Johnny Christopher & Mark James, 72. Sung by Elvis Presley. Maybe we didn’t treat you Quite as good as we should. ...
General & Hellos
Dec 5, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tipi
- World Freedom Alliance, wfa, first meeting, nov 2020, to stop medical fraud and overtoxic vaccines. These folks may not be completely right, but at least try to stop a big fraud. See also . All CosmoRatioPantheism...
General & Hellos
Oct 31, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tipi
Peace, Respect and Protectivity for all Terra-Family! Pace, Respect și Protectivitate pentru totă Terra-Familie! Paix, Respect et Protectivité pour toute la Terra-Famille!
General & Hellos
Jun 14, 2020Jun 2020

Posted by tipi
Keep terracalm, feel humagood. Love is a balm, ver'hate not understood. compris Black Lives Matter Too! BLMT! belamut.
General & Hellos
May 12, 2020May 2020

Posted by tipi
But why we still do not care enough for our Terra.Family.Ship? We should protect It with love, against abuses, with peace, not wars. We could celebrate Terra Day and Terrians' Day every day (terrian di-versary). We need Pantheist Terra.Protectivity ...
General & Hellos
Feb 3, 2020Feb 2020

Posted by tipi
History and Music for thought. Protection for Terra.Family! Les deux guitares.
General & Hellos
Feb 2, 2020Feb 2020

Posted by tipi
Recreatively. Terra is born free. We Are The Guardians, My Friends! Alter-creation from “We are the champions”, by Squid-queen.s, or Squeens We are the Guardians (of Terra.Protectivity), by Tipi A. We have got ...
1 comment
General & Hellos
Dec 31, 2019Dec 2019

Posted by tipi
Happy New Terra.Year, with more Terra.Protectivity! A Year to share equitably (20=20), with Equi.Sentiment (aequanimitas), Equi.Reason and Equi.Brotherhood, the Terrian Rights and Responsibilities. Terramunity for global Protectivity! Human-Divinity ...
General & Hellos
Nov 4, 2019Nov 2019

Posted by tipi
Cats agree. We need Pantheism for Terra Protectivity. All Terrians, all terraprotective gods (small and big). Terramunity united!
General & Hellos
Nov 3, 2019Nov 2019

Posted by tipi
"Alterum non laedere".../ "Not to harm the other"... The article below ends with this phrase: "The best option is to leave the Uranium in the ground and clean up our country’s toxic nuclear legacy."
1 comment
General & Hellos
Oct 31, 2019Oct 2019

Posted by tipi
Terrian Alert! We need Pantheism for Terra Protectivity first. Stop to fakery and dangerous exposures, including gameware. Stop to toxic, speculative, predatory abuses by industrialist-militarist mobs. Stop to insane trade and media aggressions. ...
1 comment
General & Hellos
Aug 19, 2019Aug 2019

Posted by tipi
Observation: Sciarts, especially after 1900, need more morality and detoxification. Stop to the "rational" and/or "spiritual" frauds! moralevolutionfirst terriantimelimitedtime terraprotectivitybeforeproductivity allterriansallprotectivegods ...
General & Hellos
Aug 16, 2019Aug 2019

Posted by sassygirl3869
Greenland has told Trump they are open but not for sale. If Trump has privately talked about purchasing the island has he lost his mind? What do you think?
General & Hellos
Jun 22, 2019Jun 2019

Posted by tipi
No country leaderships are trustful. All are directed by lying mobs. Let's stop (left and right) toxic-corrupted-industrialist tyrannies all over the Earth! terraprotectivity homosapienshomodeus pandetoxification coorganizationnotvote ...
Jun 15, 2019Jun 2019

Posted by tipi
Mourning for bees and all our Coterrians, irresponsibly sacrificed to the blind horror-economics! pesticidesarenogoodforterralife todaythebeestomorrowourselves  terraisnotaslaughterhouse stoptoxicitiesandpredationsinsciarts Eco-conscious ...
General & Hellos
Apr 19, 2019Apr 2019

Posted by tipi
Difficult Times for Trees, Our Co-terrians. Pollution not sufficiently reduced, oscillating temperatures. We have to protect the normal, decent Life of Our Planet-Family-Ship, through beneficent Education and Activities, not to blindly destroy It. We...
1 comment
General & Hellos
Apr 1, 2019Apr 2019

Posted by tipi
Today i celebrate with you a Happy One-year Agnostic Membership Anniversary, on our still resisting Blue Ship! Thank you, Agnostic Community for being, evolving and supporting Terrian siblings, including me. You are fantastic. You have the capacity ...
General & Hellos
Mar 28, 2019Mar 2019

Posted by tipi
Happy Pessah/Passing every day on Our Unique Blue Space Ship through the Universe! lightable pansonances. 2. reasonnotillusion moralevolutionfirst homosapienshomodeus pessah passing religion pantheism panethics panarchy peace peacenotwar...
1 comment
Mar 23, 2019Mar 2019

Posted by tipi
Opinion: More Global Peace being necessary, Humanity could reconcile and collectively adopt moderated Pantheism (the acknowledgment of all Terralife as Gods=Superiors, small and big), as a global, general philosophy. Because every Lifeform represents...
Mar 20, 2019Mar 2019

Posted by tipi
"Today the fields are now green again,And the peasant pastures his cows,As if no Jews were ever there,As if nothing had ever happened.""Haynt grinen dort vayter di lonkesUn s'pashet der poyer zayn ki,Vi keyn mol geven dort keyn yidn,Vi gor nisht ...
General & Hellos
Mar 18, 2019Mar 2019

Posted by tipi
Observation: Plants, Our Co-Terrians, have also rights to Survival and Future. Humans, as the most Evolved Living Beings, need to protect all the Terrian Family. We cannot be that selfish as to think only about Our own well-being and profit. It is ...
Mar 16, 2019Mar 2019

Posted by tipi
No to speculations and destructions in activism! The Planet does not need kneeling on earth, as excessive humiliation, but Visions and Protective Acts for all Her Children. By going beyond the biases of erroneous ideas (present in all the human ...
Feb 16, 2019Feb 2019

Posted by tipi
"To vote is to abdicate." According to Elisée Reclus, to vote is also to betray. And we can add, to vote is also to pollute an already too poisoned Terra. We must heal, not overkill! allemperorsallproletarians organizedonotvote ...
Music, Movies & Books
Jan 6, 2019Jan 2019

Posted by tipi
On Max Bruch's Birthday. music artforterralife creative freetheterrafamily See also .
Academic (e.g., Science)
Dec 2, 2018Dec 2018

Posted by tipi
science terrahumanism physics thermodynamics chemistry beauty snow flakes snowflakes fascinating kepler nakaya winter terraprotectivityispriority terraisfamily coterriansreunite terra earth
Nov 23, 2018Nov 2018

Posted by tipi
"Petition: Romania – save Europe’s last large virgin forests! Europe’s last large tracts of virgin forests in Romania are being logged and destroyed before our eyes. This is a tragedy of epic proportions. Europe’s virgin forests need your ...
Philosophy & Meaning
Sep 16, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by tipi
Light on Drops Let us protect what we cherish most! More Light of Understanding Is needed for the Order and Protection Of this natural Miracle, This fragile drop in the Universe, Called Terralife. terra earth terraisfamily moralevolutionfirst ...
1 comment
Philosophy & Meaning
May 22, 2018May 2018

Posted by tipi
Clouds over the plain. A photograph as an unconventional way to start a philosophical discussion about Terra's harmony. Clouds protect lands with their shadow and water. Humans, as the most evolved Terrians, assumed still insufficiently symbiosis and...
News & Links
Apr 4, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by Monad
Makes me sick. This is going to continue until more people react to it.