Music, Movies & Books
Jul 15, 2019Jul 2019

Posted by theatreskill
This is a video of a short sketch I did several years ago. The two of us, has-beens, seasoned actors w attitude, are jeaslous of the actor in the lead role of "DEATH OF A SALESMAN" She is a rival. What is your critique? Do you think I ...
Theatre Folk and Friends
Jul 10, 2019Jul 2019

Posted by theatreskill
Theatre people unite. Thoughts? Memories? Deep psychological yearnings? Shop talk about anything theatre related. Pictures encouraged. Promotion, advertisement allowed. Speak your mind and have fun.
Jul 6, 2019Jul 2019

Posted by theatreskill
JSTE" Welcome to the "Jewish Senior Theatre Ensemble" community....for Boomers, us old-er folks. Oak Park area, MICHIGAN! Our "Jewish" orientation is reflected in some of the leadership decisions. We model some of the fine ethics of the ...
1 comment
Apr 12, 2019Apr 2019

Posted by RiparianWoodsman
Go see the play Tartuffe at Interlochen April 19-20. If you don't see it there, see it someplace else. Although it's 350 years old, it is entirely relevant to today, and is often produced worldwide. It was banned by the Catholic church in ...
1 comment
Music, Movies & Books
Sep 14, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by genessa
LINKMame: Bosom Buddies - YouTube