Aug 22, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by Secretguy
So, I'm getting off my butt and volunteering for a candidate running for Congress in my district. We need to elect democrats for ALL offices. I haven't done campaign work since 08. It will be good to be useful, especially in light of the horrid ...
General & Hellos
Aug 21, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by Deb57
POLLThis afternoon I'll be going, for the second time, to volunteer a couple hours at my county's Democratic Headquarters. The last time I was there they took advantage of my organizational skills and had me sorting, collating and filing lists of ...
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Philosophy & Meaning
Jun 24, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by ScientistV
Who here performs acts of charity? What kind? Do you give money to the homeless, rescue animals— do you volunteer at food banks or drive your elderly neighbor to the grocery stores? How regularly do you do it?
General & Hellos
Nov 14, 2017Nov 2017

Posted by Annaleda
I’ve decided to volunteer for the holidays. I’ll be helping with dinners. I do volunteering throughout the year., but have never on the holidays. I like to spend the times with my family too. What do you do for holidays?